About Us

SettlementOne provides credit reporting, flood certification, fraud, and verification services to U.S. banks, mortgage lenders, mortgage brokers and credit unions. Our specialty is providing convenient bundles of these services to these mortgage industry clients.

Established in 1999, SettlementOne is one of the nation’s largest suppliers of mortgage data, providing financial institutions and consumers with secure, efficient and cost effective solutions that streamline the mortgage origination and lending process.

Our Principles: 

  • Excellence in Service – Value each customer as if they are our only customer.
  • Operational Efficiency – Lean initiatives enable us to establish business strategies and processes that provide outstanding value for our customers.
  • Culture of Improvement – Continually look for ways to enhance our service technology, effectiveness and profitability, delivering extraordinary value to our customers.
  • Partnership – Value every customer and every role internal and external to the organization, continually improving our culture of respect and appreciation.
  • Corporate Responsibility – Commitment to operate in a lawful and ethical manner, improving the economic development of each business unit and their respective customers.